alamak ramai sgt yg tanya..."tak g buat body treatment ke dah menjelang hari kahwen ni ??" .okie okie...memang xde la, because memang semua buat sendiri je..kat umah..nak g spa mahal je..jadi i gosok2 sendiri kat umah je...guna aper??? harharhar..suka sgt nk ckp ni..ia adalah 'sabun susu beras' memang puas hati, kulit rasa lembut, dan cerah compare dulu la...plus xde chemical kan...natural product lagi...
mcm mane rupanya :
so worth it product |
now tengah bermasalah rambut, rambut ni kalau tak cuci tiap hari, dia jadi minyak2 kat kulit, tapi kalau cuci tiap hari... bahagian bawah jadi so dry... so skg mmg tgh confused.. because what i did so far, i washed em' everyday..thats the only way, so rasa rambut tu xminyak kat kulit! i know it is natural oil from scalp..tp xselesa :(
so telah usai blog walking today.. jumpa la a few ways , which i think not so expensive and easier way to treat my hair, within my tiny budget insyaAllah !
Avocado hair mask :)
most Colombian women practise this! |
I will definitely try it this weekend..senang ja nak buatnya! gini ya :
1. Slice the avocado in half with a sharp knife, working around the tough seed in the middle. Pull the two halves apart. Pry the seed out with a fork or butter knife. Discard.
2. Score the avocado flesh with a knife. Invert the tough outer skin, forcing the scored flesh out into a stainless steel bowl. You may need to use your fingers or a fork to help separate the flesh from the peel, but the scoring will make the chunks come away from the peel easily.
3. Mash the avocado into a smooth, guacamole-like texture with a fork or potato masher.
4. Add 1 tbsp. lemon juice and 1 tsp. sea salt or honey to the avocado. Stir well. If the honey you want to use has crystallized, either set the jar in a bowl of hot water or microwave it briefly to liquefy the honey so that it mixes more easily.
5. Add one egg yolk or 1 tbsp. aloe gel if you desire. You can also add any other hair-nourishing ingredients,such as rosemary extract, at this time.
6. Combine the ingredients thoroughly until they form a thick, regular paste. Use directly from the bowl if possible. Apply to moist hair, leave in for up to 30 minutes and then rinse. You can also store the mixture in a tightly covered, opaque airtight container, in the refrigerator, until ready for use. If the avocado paste looks or smells strange when you retrieve it, you have waited too long and should mix up a fresh batch. If it does not look edible, do not put it in your hair.
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