Wednesday, 15 February 2012

Invitation card ^.^

Assalam uols...

Semalam..selain settle case pencarian surat nikah my parents kat pejabat agama klang..settle juga submit borang nikah & dah dpt kebenaran nikah :) yeay !!

Selesai juga process utk printing card..tak print pon actually, sbb kitorg ni category lambat sgt buat kan sbb hal2 terdahulu, yg xdpt dielakkan, so we just diberi pilihan card yg dah sedia ade design, just plus stamping name, dgn print bahagian dalam design yg me & mother dah siap pilih ialah yg ni :)

Simple & not too big :)
Warna juga sesuai dgn our theme color... Blue & white
yg penting tak pyh nk seringgit sgt harganya, sbb org duk buang jugak, in my case, anak buah mmg suka koyak2 kan kertas kat rumah T.T

Semalam rasa lain, sbb first time buat urusan penting ni, tanpa cik Nash di sisi. rase gelabah jugak time nk buat keputusan, which to choose, just communicate tru phone sajer... kene ikut ckp big boss. sbb semua ni his money, but everytg went well, he likes my taste.just dia nk tukar kertas bahagian dalam light coklet.. and nak envolope coklet juge...i was thinking the same also.. xpe tu bole settle. sbb tauke blum send final text to me, once i dah check, later bole je confirm balik warna tu..hehe

simple & nice
 Kat mana tempah? Mcm biasa semua duk kata Jalan Brunei kt Pudu road tu harga ok kan :)
so semalam me & mother went there dgn ta tau pun mana exactly the place are... hanya berpandukan map dlm just imagine, drive sambil tgok ipad, sgt sakitkan hati, haha :)
sabar betul smpai betul2 jumpa kedai ... sgt puas hati sbb xsesat :)

Buat yang masih mencari2 mana kedai kad kawen situ, bole je..drop here.. pilih2 dulu ye, make sure dpt harga paling rendah hehe :P

Vision Greetings Sdn Bhd
Can check out their website also :)

ni map from google..

senang je :)

Im so happy, lega teramat, kerana maksudnya, semua hampir settle..kad akan siap hujung bulan ni, so bole start distribute :)
tak sabar nk buat announcement juga :) hehe

lepas ni review pasal my examination result last semester.hohoho :)


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